The Progress Tracker helps users understand their performance better, rank and compare their abilities to others on the platform and track their individual progress over time.

Comprehensive Assessments

The Progress Tracker is a fitness station combined with ATTA’s proprietary AI system that collects, analyses, and quantifies sports data. At ATTA, we believe the recording of videos paired with AI-powered analytical data can help users further develop their skills over time.

The Progress Tracker has a library of universally applicable exercises for users of all ages to test their abilities. The programs available include standardised fitness exercises and sport specific exercises.




I think this is a really good showcase. It is important to see how well we maintain and what we can improve on. The first thing is Progress Tracker fits into my lifestyle. Second thing is that I can personalize my training through this system. It is very important and very pain-pointed. It saves a lot of time so I am looking forward to receiving the data and see how specifically I can practice every day. 
Participant in Progress Tracker Combine


It is more scientific than before because the system can provide a data dashboard that is similar to our physical academic report after every examination. We can indicate children’s progress to their parents based on progressive scientific records. 
Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School


First of all, this machine can record how many times I skip and track data when doing other sports, so it can help me improve my technique and let me know how to make myself jump faster and dribble better. Because this machine is a new concept, after seeing this product, students who do not like to do sports may be more willing to try, thus attracting more students to do sports. 
Winner of 30s skipping rope in Experience Day


I think the first thing is to increase students’ interest in sports because when there is technology, student will more excitement for that sports. For example, the dribbling just now will help count the number of dribbles completed. Student can compare who has dribbled more and who has dribbled less, which makes it more competitive and more interesting. 
PE teacher
Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School


I think the use of technology can give students a more concrete image, so that they know how they should execute certain movements, or reviewing some of wrong postures. Because this has a screen, it can visualize students’ movements and students can understand their shortcomings and see how to proceed the improvement.
PE teacher
China Holiness Church Living Spirit College
